
Taste Better from Scatch – Mom’s Best HOMEMADE Spring Rolls 妈妈的味道:自制春卷

When I was little, my mum would serve something different for our meals during the weekends. And whenever she was feeling a little lazy, she would prepare something that will basically cover us for both lunch, and dinner. One particular cuisine that she prepared left quite an impression on me till this day.

The humble spring roll.

Spring rolls were said to originate from China and was a seasonal food that was consumed during spring. The use of fresh spring season ingredients was a welcome change to the winter’s preserved food diet.

I used to think that my mother was lazy for making us eat this simple little thing for two meals on the same day! Even though she made it from scratch, still, it felt kind of lazy to me. However, as I grew up and learned more about cooking, I realised that there is actually quite a bit of preparation work to do for this dish.

My mother prepared all the ingredients by hand, and I somehow felt that although she was “lazy”, she actually loved the whole process. And must admit that the entire family loved them so much that we never grew tired of it!

Now, years after I left home. I would sometimes crave for spring rolls, but the ones I could get outside never seem to satisfy my cravings. Perhaps it was the taste of the ingredients or the use of the wrong wraps. Maybe it was the way I put everything together. Lots of maybes, but I soon realised, the missing element was my mother’s hand in it.

My mother had always prepared the food at home for us, her family, despite her “laziness”, with love. Like they say, “母亲的味道, 就是家的味道, 就是家乡的味道” – “the flavours of home, are the flavours of motherhood” – And that flavour can never be replaced.

记得小时候,每到周末如果妈妈不忙或者想偷懒,她会准备与平时不一样的餐食。为什么说她想偷懒呢? 那是因为,那一天的食物将是我们的午餐和晚餐。

让我印象深刻的其中一种食物是春卷。虽然说妈妈偷懒, 可是记忆里这个春卷的准备工作还挺多的。全部食材都是妈妈一个人亲历亲为动手做的。



Taste Better from Scatch - Mom's Best HOMEMADE Spring Rolls 妈妈的味道:自制春卷

When I was little, my mum would serve something different for our meals during the weekends. And whenever she was feeling a little lazy, she would prepare something that will basically cover us for both lunch, and dinner. One particular cuisine that she prepared left quite an impression on me till this day: The humble spring roll. 记得小时候,每到周末如果妈妈不忙或者想偷懒,她会准备与平时不一样的餐食。为什么说她想偷懒呢? 那是因为,那一天的食物将是我们的午餐和晚餐。让我印象深刻的其中一种食物是春卷。
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 1



  • 10pcs Spring roll wrap 春饼皮
  • 100 g Minced pork 猪肉碎
  • 100 g Prawns 虾
  • 100 g French beans 乌龟豆
  • 100 g Carrot 萝卜
  • 100 g Tau kwa 豆干
  • 10 g Garlic 蒜头


  • 3 tbsp Oil 油
  • 1 tsp Salt 盐
  • 1 tsp White pepper 白胡椒粉



  • Peel the shells off the prawns 将虾壳剥开。
  • Devein the prawns, which is to clear the intestinal tract. 虾壳剥开后,再来去肠。
  • Chop up the prawns, french beans, carrots, and tau kwas into small cubes. 把虾,乌龟豆,萝卜,和豆干切成颗粒状。
  • Minced the garlic. 把蒜头剁碎。

Cooking Instructions:

  • Heat up the pan, and add in the oil。 热锅,然后倒入生油。
  • When the oil is hot, add the minced garlic, and fry till golden brown. 油加热后,倒入碎蒜,炒至金黄色。
  • Next, add in the minced pork, and continue to fry. 接着倒入猪肉碎,继续翻炒。
  • Add in the chopped prawns, and fry till cooked (red/pink in colour). 倒入虾,翻炒至熟为止。
  • Now throw in the tau kwa, carrots and french beans. 倒入豆干,萝卜和乌龟豆。
  • Continue frying it all in high heat till it is all well cooked. 继续用高温,快速翻炒至熟透。
  • Finally, add in the salt and white pepper, and continue to stir fry for another 5 minutes. 最后,加入盐和白胡椒粉,然后继续翻炒大约5分钟。
  • Turn off the heat, scoop it all onto a plate, and let it all cool for five minutes before you start wrapping your spring rolls so you won't burn your hands during the rolling process. 熄火,装至盘里,摊凉五分钟后才开始卷,防止卷的过程中不会烫到手。

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