COLORFUL and Healthy Vietnamese FRESH Spring Rolls 清爽美味的健康小吃: 越南春卷
We introduced the spring roll in one of our previous episodes, and many of our friends had fun making their own. Some got creative and even began using a variety of ingredients to develop their own version of the dish.
The fact is, there ARE many varieties of spring rolls out there, but one of the favourite versions well-loved by many is from Vietnam called Gỏi cuốn.
The one very unique thing about Gỏi cuốn aside from its fresh, delicious taste, is how colourful, and pretty looking it is. This is mainly due to the use of an almost transparent, but robust rice paper called bánh tráng, to wrap, secure and showcase the colours of the ingredients. It does take a bit of practice to know how to best position the components to accentuate the colourful elements harmoniously.
I first had Gỏi cuốn in Halong Bay, and it was so delicious! I loved how it was so yummy and looking so pleasantly cheerful at the same time! I also enjoyed the fact that I don’t feel guilty eating more of it due to the light and refreshing ingredients used. In fact, I loved it so much that I went hunting, and attended a cooking class right there and then, in Halong Bay, to learn how to make it! Talk about being extreme!
The class was well conducted with the instructor guiding us through the steps patiently. I had so much fun in the class! He even shared that Gỏi cuốn is one of the most colourful and the loveliest roll he’s ever made!
So, I hope everyone will find these instructions useful and go have fun making this delightful little treat from Vietnam!
春卷的种类和做法各式各样,特别最受大众喜爱的是越南春卷,越南语称为 Gỏi cuốn。 Gỏi cuốn 除了新鲜美味之外,最大的特色是在于其外观色彩鲜艳,看起来非常突出。越南春卷主要是使用了 bánh trán,一种薄薄半透明的米皮,用于包裹馅料时特别稳固。不过要包裹到位还需要一些技巧。所谓熟能生巧,只要多多练习相信大家都能做出这一道让人停不下口的春卷小吃。
第一次尝试 Gỏi cuốn 是在越南的下龙湾,特别喜欢它的鲜味,真的非常好吃!越南春卷包含了新鲜的馅料,加上食材的配搭,吃多也不觉得腻。之后我在下龙湾报上了烹饪课,学习如何做这道当地美食!整个课堂进行得非常顺利,师傅也很耐心地教导我们。我非常享受的是那学习烹饪的过程!记得师傅说,Gỏicuốn 是他认为最丰富多彩的春卷之一!

COLORFUL and Healthy Vietnamese FRESH Spring Rolls 清爽美味的健康小吃: 越南春卷
Ingredients for the roll 春卷材料:
- 10pcs Vietnamese bánh tráng (rice paper) 春饼皮
- 100 g Pork Belly 三层肉
- 100 g Prawns 虾
- 100 g Vermicelli 粉丝
- 50 g Lettuce 生菜
- 50 g Carrots 胡萝卜
- 50 g Cucumbers 黄瓜
- 10 g Mint Leaves 薄荷叶
Ingredients for the dipping sauce 酱料:
- 1 tbsp Peanut Butter 花生酱
- 1 tbsp Ground Peanuts 花生碎
- 1 tsp Chili 辣椒碎
- 1 tsp Sugar 糖
- 1/2 pcs Lime 青柠
- 10 g Red Onion 红葱
- 1 tbsp Seafood Sauce 海鲜酱
- 2 tbsp Oil 生油
Preparation 小提示:
- Peel off the prawns and devein them. 把虾剥壳后,再来去肠。
- Boil prawns and cut into halves. 将虾煮熟后,再切半。
- Boil pork belly and cut it to slices. 把三层肉煮熟,然后切片。
- Shred the carrots and cucumber. 将胡萝卜和黄瓜切丝。
Roll assembly instructions 春卷做法:
- Fill a large bowl with water. 用大碗装入水备用。
- Dip the rice paper for about a minute, until soft. 把春卷皮浸在水里大约一分钟,或直到软化为止。
- Lay the rice paper flat on a plate. 把春卷皮摊平在食用板上。
- Add in lettuce, carrot, cucumber, mint leaves, vermicelli, pork belly and prawns. 加入生菜,胡萝卜,黄瓜,薄荷叶,粉丝,三层肉和虾。
- Fold uncovered side inwards, then tightly roll the rice paper. 开始卷的时候,包紧一点,之后再把皮的两边往里面折起来,继续卷。
Dipping sauce instructions 酱料煮法:
- Heat the pan, then add in the oil. 热锅后,倒入生油。
- Add in onions and fry till golden brown. 放入红葱,炒至金黄色。
- Add in the seafood sauce, heat till boiling. 放入海鲜酱,炒至酱汁开始沸腾。
- Add in chilli, fry for a few seconds then turn off the heat and pour onto a small plate. 放入辣椒,微炒大约几秒钟后,再把它装进小蝶。
- Add in sugar and peanut sauce then stir to mix. 加入糖和花生酱, 然后搅拌一下。
- Squeeze the lime in and stir to continue mixing. 加入青柠,再继续搅拌。
- Add in the ground peanuts, more chilli and mix again. 加入更多的花生碎和辣椒,然后搅拌均匀即可。