
Authentic Penang Laksa Recipe 槟城道地叻沙

We have introduced the Singapore Katong Laksa Recipe in the last episode. This time, we teach you how to cook the Malaysian style of Asam Laksa from scratch. It is also called Penang Laksa one of the most popular noodle dishes in Malaysia.

It is synonymous with the island of Penang and is an all-time favorite there. Despite the long list of ingredients, the Penang Laksa recipe is not difficult to make but gathering the ingredients is the most challenging part.

Same process with 3 simple steps: the Laksa paste, broth, and topping.

上一集为大家介绍了新加坡风味 加东叻沙 做法, 这一集也不列外,教大家在家也能自己烹煮略帶酸味的亚参叻沙 (亚三叻沙)。




Penang Laksa Recipe

LEVELLING-UP Authentic Penang Laksa from 3 STEPS to GOURMET 3个部分完成槟城道地叻沙美食

Penang Laksa is synonymous with the island of Penang and is an all-time favorite there. Despite the long list of ingredients, the Penang Laksa recipe is not difficult to make but gathering the ingredients is the most challenging part. 这是一道被称为南洋风味的槟城叻沙。煮法其实并不难,只不过是比较费时,因为要煮出一锅美味的叻沙汤底需要采用许多材料。



Ingredients for the Penang Laksa Paste 槟城叻沙酱料:

  • Shallot 红葱
  • Garlic 蒜头
  • Galangal 南姜
  • Tumeric 黃姜
  • Candlenut 石栗
  • Dried Chill 辣椒干
  • Belachan 峇拉煎
  • Small Chillies 小辣椒

Ingredients for the Laksa Broth 叻沙汤底材料:

  • Asam 亚参
  • Asam Skin 罗望子片
  • Ikan Kembung 鲭鱼
  • Lemongrass 香茅
  • Sardine 沙丁鱼

Ingredients for the Laksa Topping 叻沙配料:

  • Laksa Noodle 叻沙面
  • Lettuce 生菜
  • Pineapple 凤梨
  • Cucumber 小黃瓜
  • Rojak Flower 姜花
  • Shrimp Paste 虾膏
  • Small Chillies 小辣椒
  • Mint Leave 薄荷叶
  • Fish Meat 魚肉


Step 1: Preparation for Penang Laksa Paste 槟城叻沙酱料

  • Cut the ingredients into the cube and mix it with a food blender. 将材料切小块后,放进搅拌机
  • Add some cooking oil. 加入少许的油
  • Stir evenly. 搅拌均匀备用

Step 2: Instructions for Laksa Broth 叻沙汤底

  • Stir fry the laksa paste. 炒热槟城叻沙酱料
  • Add one bowl of water, follow by Asam water. 加入一碗水及亚参水
  • Cook for 45mins and strain the water. 煮45分钟后过滤
  • Cook until the boiling point is reached and then put the Ikan Kembung. 热水煮沸后放入鲭鱼
  • Add lemongrass and Asam skin. 加入香茅及罗望子片
  • Cook over low heat for 20mins. 小火煮20分钟
  • Take out the fish. 将魚夾起备用
  • Add the laksa broth. 加入过滤完的汤底
  • Add sardine. 加入沙丁魚
  • Cook over low heat for 45mins. 小火煮45分钟

Step 3: Instructions for Laksa Topping 叻沙配料

  • Rinse the ingredients and blanch in boiling water. 配料洗净汤水



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